No, not "The Thong Song" guy, that was Sisqo, and don't you think it's kind of embarrassing that we all remember that song anyway? What the title of this post means is the company Flat Jenny and I walked all round yesterday - Cisco Systems. We went six miles through beautiful Santa Clara, CA. My sister lives there amid gorgeous landscaping, high-tech companies and apartment buildings.
There's also a pretty beautiful nature center there. I was planning to go on the trails but, as you can see, once we got there we realized the trails were just six inches wide and the rest was ginormous plants and grasses. I'm not too familiar with this area and was a touch concerned that perhaps the nature center was a hide-out for the region's attack turkeys. About 50 feet in I decided to turn around - and run (yes, run) out of there.
Instead Flat Jenny and I walked around Cisco for six miles. Seriously, that place is HUGE. We went by building after building and parking lot after parking lot for the company.
There were also plenty of light rail stations all around. Here's Flat Jenny with her own personal station.
Look carefully. This says "Moving is the best medicine." Here's hoping Flat Jenny is making non-flat Jenny healthier!
Looks like a great adventure! What a beautiful day!